Sunday, September 26, 2010

September= Painful Waiting

Not that long ago, Mike and I were talking about all of the events that have happened in our lives during our Septembers. We have experienced death, cancer and heartache. Our September has been filled with a roller coaster ride, but we are ready to have the roller coaster stop. Every day we contemplate "Is today the day we become parents?" We are filled with hope and finish in pain.

Obviously we were hopeful that our phone call would turn our Septembers around. The short answer is not yet. In recent months the CCAA has processed paperwork in the middle of the month. As of yet, the CCAA has not processed anything. We have been in communication with America World, and they have been in dialogue with the CCAA.

It is not the end of September yet!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

In the Wait

Not too long ago a man said to me, "Life is all about waiting, everyday we are waiting for something, someone, so what are you doing in the wait?" A rare moment in which I was completely caught off guard and speechless, yet agreeing with the concept. As I contemplate this concept in relation to our adoption process, there have been moments in which I have been paralyzed, unable to focus. Trapped to the point, that my life was on hold, not able to function. However there are moments in when I have been completely footloose and fancy free, nearly forgetting that we were in the adoption process. A roller coaster of emotions, always waiting. Today in the wait, I am washing baby clothes, and thinking about necessities. Tomorrow I may be trapped, but I am always in motion. We are coming for you baby Andrew!! We love you!!