Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Birthday

Perhaps you've wondered why ladybugs are considered lucky in the China adoption community. We have too, and found out that though ladybugs are red, (the good luck color in China), the root of this belief is not found in Chinese culture.

In the late 1990's in southern China, international adoption programs began growing rapidly as people learned of the many benefits of Chinese adoption. One Fall the ladybug (Chinese beetle) population grew unusually large in Guangzhou, China. Guangzhou is a necessary stop for all Americans, Brits, Australians and Canadians adopting from China. (The city houses many Consulate-General offices.) This large ladybug population explosion was thought to be a lucky omen for the many adopting families flowing into China.
From this incident the legend has grown, so that now ladybugs represent happy adoptive families being united with beautiful children in China. Additionally, on Shamian Island in Guangzhou, there is a very special shop a shop catering to adoptive families called The Ladybug Corner

Thursday, November 18, 2010

At times over the past weeks, this is a very fitting image. Who knew adopting a baby would require so much paperwork. Acceptance letters, visa forms, travel options, passports, just to name a few. I think we are nearly completed, obviuosly we are not complaining, as all of these steps are necessary for our trip to bring our daughter home. But, we are close friends with Fed-Ex, Staples, and the Copy Machine

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The first time ever I saw your face

After years of waiting, on November 1st, at 11:00am, our long awaited phone call came!! This is our beautiful daughter. She was born on March 23, 2010, and found on the steps on an orphanage on March 24, 2010. She is an extroverted healthy girl, who likes music, and cries when she doesn't get her way!!

We have experienced a blizzard of paperwork, time consuming, but all steps moving towards bringing our baby girl home. Words cannot express our love for her, our family and friends. We are so blessed to be surrounded by an amazing community as we are in our final stages of this adoption journey.